Friday, January 10, 2014

Follow Me: Day of Remicade Treatment

So as most (or all) of you know, for the past few years I've been in and out of hospitals, doctor offices, and had a few surgeries.  In May of 2009, I was diagnosed with malrotation - with a surgery to attempt to correct it. In October of 2010, after exploratory surgery at the Cleveland Clinic, I was diagnosed with Crohn's disease.  (in between these surgeries I had my gall-bladder removed, and they took my appendix in Cleveland - amongst other things)

After the diagnosis of Crohn's, my doctor started me on something called Humira.  After about a year and a half of giving myself a shot every Friday (in the belly), my doctor decided to switch me to a drug called Remicade.

Remicade is a more invasive treatment, that can be tweaked to a persons needs (frequency, amount).  The reason this is more invasive than giving yourself a shot, is because you have to go to the hospital (cancer center) for a 3-ish hour long infusion.

I've been on Remicade for 17 months now.  I receive 5mg/kg (kg of body weight), and I receive it every six weeks.  I had my most recent infusion on Wednesday (January 8th) and decided to chronicle it for whomever is interested. *warning - there is one picture of an IV in my arm*

This was an unusual visit - and I will explain as I go along. To preface - every time I need an infusion I have to have someone drive me.  I'm not allowed to drive on infusion day because they give me IV Benadryl.

My wonderful Lala (my usual ride) and I left the house around 9am. We swung by WaWa to get some drinks and snacks before we hopped on the turnpike.  We have to take the North East extension to 476 to 76 to Roosevelt Blvd.

Once we reach the boulevard - we have to take some side streets to get to the actual hospital. 

Now - a difference to this visit as opposed to others was the parking garage we usually use was not accessible.  So after driving around, trying to find where to put the car, we actually found a new parking garage that may work better for all future trips to the hospital. (WIN!) We parked the car at about 10am.

We enter the hospital and get the necessary badges.  Then we headed up to the Cancer Center and I signed in at 10:15.  I was finally checked-in at 10:25.

Once I was checked in, we headed back to the area where infusions are done.  Usually, I get a room immediately. However, this time we did not get into the room until 11:30.

Usually at this point - they take my vitals.  This did not happen until the end of my treatment this time. I was given two tablets of Tylenol.  Then an IV was placed (11:45) and they started me on IV Benadryl (50mg).  This then takes over and knocks me out.

I started receiving the infusion of Remicade around 12:15.  This actually began while I was sleeping.  I slept until around 1:45 and was finished my infusion at 2:30

Once I was finished they took my vitals:
BP: 137/89 (high because I was in a bit of pain and extremely nauseated)
O2(oxygen): 99%
Temp: 97.7

After this was completed, I was unhooked and the IV was removed.  Then we headed back to the car and we were home by 3:45.

The rest of the evening I felt out of it, and a bit achy.  The next day was the same; tired, achy and pretty sick.   After a few days of this I should start feeling like my normal sick self - but hey - I go to the ER far less now that I'm on Remicade so there's something ;)

I do want to thank the best Lala a girl could have for taking so much time to help me to and from these infusions.  The only other people to take me to an infusion were my brother (once), a friend (once), and my ex (twice - once after we broke-up).  It's not so great having to rely on other people so frequently, but I'm glad I've had all of you - but especially my Lala!!

If anyone has any questions, just let me know - I may not have explained something well enough since I'm around it all of the time.   The next post will be far less clinical, I promise!

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