Monday, April 21, 2014

TV Review: True Dectective

So I know I'm seriously late with this post, but I felt the need to share my thoughts on this show.

True Detective 

Matthew McConaughey, Woody Harrelson and Michelle Monaghan

Created By:
Nic Pizzolatto

Season 1 - January 12, 2014

My Rating:
Season 1 - 10 out of 10 stars!

When I first saw the promos for this show I thought to myself, you are going to have to watch this...McConaughey and Harrelson, uhm yes please!

I didn't really know what to expect other than some type of a cop drama.

When I went down to my parents they were completely caught up (I was six episodes behind - AKA hadn't started it yet).  My dad doesn't tend to love love love any show. He enjoys a good drama, but rarely finds a show he has to watch as soon as it comes out.

He gave me a goal for a week - which was to watch one episode a day so we could all watch the last two together.

Well, it took me about a day and a half to catch up.

The show follows two Louisiana Detectives, Marty Hart (Harrelson) and Rust Cohle (McConaughey), on their 17 year search for a serial killer.

This show, was so unbelievably well-done.  The acting was superb, the story line was compelling and kept you guessing.  The sub plots didn't take away from the main story line.  And I'm pretty sure everyone needed something along the lines of a Xanax during the finale.

So to back up just a bit from the finale...another aspect of this show that I completely loved was that it was short, sweet, and to the point.  There were only 8 episodes in the series, and they aired in 8 consecutive weeks! (I personally like it like that, no waiting!)

They could have drawn it out a few more episodes, but why? It was perfect! Every episode ended with you wanting to see the next.  And it was wrapped up as neatly as Rust and Marty could have possibly done.

I also enjoyed to inclusion of the "Yellow King".  It brought a literary aspect into the series.  The myth and legends that can be incorporated into a serial killers reasoning fascinate me, and this particular legend is extremely interesting. 

This has been the year of McConaughey - and he was (at least in my opinion) the true detective - as well as the top actor.  I will be surprised if he doesn't take home an Emmy for his portrayal of  one of TVs most complicated characters.

The "True Detective" Wiki page doesn't seem to be quite finished - but I'm sure there will be a plethra of information that one may have missed the first time around.  This seems to be one of those shows that, the more you watch, the more you see.

So if you haven't seen it yet (I didn't want to really give anything away in the post just in case...), I highly recommend it.

As for having a second season - I don't think they should.  It should be a mini-series that ends as well as it began.  If they did a second season - who would it follow? Thoughts??

Anyone else love it? Anyone hate it? If you hated it, I need specific reasons as to why....

I may have to rewatch the season.  Just thinking about it makes me want to.....


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